Wednesday, February 13, 2013

An annotated guide to Republican pre-State of the Union talking points

Collage of pictures of John Boehner crying. John Boehner responds to how pitiful these talking points are. As you watch an endless stream of Republican politicians and pundits yapping on your television in the hours leading up to the State of the Union address, you should have the chance to gain a whole new level of respect for the Republican talent for adhering to a very narrow list of talking points. If you are paying attention, you've probably already figured out what those talking points are, but in case you've missed them, here they are:
"The State of the Union is the President's opportunity to share with Congress how he plans to solve the most serious challenges our country faces."
Because we in Congress sure as hell aren't solving them if we can prevent it. And we can prevent it, since John Boehner controls what comes to a vote in the House.
"Republicans hope the President will bring forward a credible plan to replace his sequester'arbitrary across the board cuts he proposed'with responsible spending cuts."
Yes, the president's sequester. You know, the one that came out of the deal about which John Boehner said, "I got 98 percent of what I wanted. I'm pretty happy." But clap harder and keep trying to pin it on Barack Obama, as we'll see Republicans doing below the fold in their remaining talking points.

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