Wednesday, February 13, 2013

State of the Union 2013: #5

President Obama delivers 2011 State of the Union (Photo: Jim Young, Reuters) Watch it online or on TV. Talk about it here.

6:47 PM PT: LOL:

Obama thinks he can fix the economy by making America more like California. #SOTU
— @SteveStockmanTX via web Sounds like a much better idea than making America more like Steve Stockman. Seriously, you could do worse than California.

6:49 PM PT: On immigration: "We know what needs to be done.  As we speak, bipartisan groups in both chambers are working diligently to draft a bill, and I applaud their efforts.  Now let's get this done.  Send me a comprehensive immigration reform bill in the next few months, and I will sign it right away."

6:50 PM PT: The president throws the vice president a "Good job, Joe" when calling for passage of the Violence Against Women Act, which Biden originally wrote. And the president also calls for passing the Paycheck Fairness Act and raising the minimum wage.

6:53 PM PT: Obama says: "So here's an idea that Governor Romney and I actually agreed on last year: let's tie the minimum wage to the cost of living, so that it finally becomes a wage you can live on." Camera cuts to Paul Ryan, who looks absolutely disgusted.

6:55 PM PT: Based on the prepared text, we're about two-thirds of the way through the speech. "By the end of next year, our war in Afghanistan will be over." Again, Boehner applauds.

6:57 PM PT: Boehner and Biden look like the before and after photos for sleep medication.
— @dailykos via TweetDeck

6:58 PM PT: NBC cuts to Chuck Grassley. Chyron says: "Senator Chuck Grassley." I kind of wish they'd simply said: "@chuckgrassley."

6:59 PM PT: Obama comes out against a nuclear Iran, Republicans act quickly to remember they are supposed to be for that too, so they stand up as fast as they can.

7:00 PM PT: Obama's talking about Russia, and I'll bet he didn't even consult Sarah Palin.
— @KailiJoy via web

7:01 PM PT (Kaili Joy Gray): New thread here.

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