Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Warren responds to Brown's personal attacks in new ad

Incumbent Sen. Scott Brown wants the Massachusetts Senate race to be about anything but his voting record and the issues because he's losing on that ground. So he's launched a nasty, personal attack campaign, both in the last debate and in his latest ad which attacks Elizabeth Warren over the issue of her family's Native American history.

Warren is responding to the attack with this ad, calling him out directly for attacking her family and tying the attacks back to the real issues of the campaign: who's fighting for Massachusetts families. Watch:

As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. What kid would? But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee and part Delaware, so my parents had to elope. Let me be clear. I never asked for and never got any benefit because of my heritage. The people who hired me have all said that they didn't even know about it. I'm Elizabeth Warren and I approve this message. Scott Brown can continue attacking my family, but I'm going to keep fighting for yours.

Goal Thermometer

Brown's not likely to let this go, and neither is his sleazy campaign, but he'd got absolutely nothing else to run on. This post at Blue Mass Group has video of Brown's campaign staff "making 'war whoops' and 'tomahawk chops', presumably in reference to Warren's Cherokee heritage," at a Brown rally where a large group of Warren supporters showed up.

But the nastier he and his campaign gets, the more he loses the one advantage he's got'a nice guy image that appeals to independents and some Democrats. The stink of desperation is settling down over the Brown campaign, and the voters will react to that.

In the meantime, let's make the asshole pay.

Please donate $3 to Elizabeth Warren on ActBlue.

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