Friday, September 7, 2012

Shocking no one, Mitt Romney is a dick to our troops

Asked by a friendly news outlet why he didn't bother praising our troops in his speech, Romney responded:
When you give a speech you don't go through a laundry list, you talk about the things you think are important.
Wrong answer. You thank the fucking troops. They are not a laundry list. And while Romney might not think they are important, they kind of are.

Romney then goes on to claim that he talked about a "strong military," which was totally the same as thanking the troops for their service. Except that it's not. One of them speaks to the institution, the other speaks to the individuals who do the work of the institution. It's the same distinction as corporations and the people who work for them'a distinction that Romney famously fails to understand.

He claims that throwing more money at the Pentagon than the Pentagon has actually asked for shows his commitment to the troops. For him, money is always the answer because it's the only thing that matters.

People are an afterthought: Easy to fire if necessary, otherwise, unimportant.

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