Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pelosi: 'Our country is better off than where we were' four years ago

(Photo credit: Reuters) At a new media roundtable discussion yesterday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi had an answer for the question Republicans and the traditional media drug up from zombie Reagan over the weekend: Are you better off today than you were four years ago?

Nancy Pelosi is unequivocal:

Our country is better off. Our country is better off than where we were. President Obama, this extraordinary president, in a very extraordinary time, pulled our country back from the brink of depression, a meltdown of our financial institutions, a deepening of our deficit. In the first two years, three and a half million jobs were created with the Recovery Act. President Obama was a job creator from day one. One week and one day from his inaugural address we passed the Recovery Act, the auto rescue, just two name a couple. [...]

In one year, in one year under President Obama's leadership, more jobs were created in the private sector than in the eight years of the Bush administration. [...]

So, fundamentally, our country is better off than it would have been if we'd continued down the path that the Republicans had us on. Mitt Romney wants to take us back down that path. The President wants to go forward, they want to go backward. They are advocating exactly the same policy.

There's no question that the country is better off than the day George W. Bush left office. There's also no question that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would take us right back there, with even more tax cuts for the wealthy and even less oversight of the financial system that brought the economy crashing down.

(Transcript below the fold.)

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