Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Linda McMahon would take away your rights, but she'd be 'reluctant,' so vote for her!

Goposaur in heels Lady Republicans will take away your rights,
but at least they'll feel sorta bad about it. Oh, what have we here? Why, it's another Republican who thinks if you say "women" a lot, you can totally wrap up the lady vote.

Linda McMahon, Senate candidate in Connecticut, may be a Republican, and she may be opposed to women having access to basic health care, but that doesn't mean she's opposed to women having access to health care, says her campaign:

'McMahon is pro-choice, supports women's reproductive health issues, and believes that all women should be able to use and have access to birth control,' the Republican campaign said in a statement.
Well, that sure is big of her, isn't it? Just one teeny tiny little problem with that:
McMahon has publicly expressed her support, albeit somewhat tepidly, for an amendment introduced earlier this year by Missouri Republican Roy Blunt in the Senate. That measure would have given not just religious organizations but all employers the ability to opt out of paying for contraception as part of their health care plans. The employer exemption died along party lines in the Senate.

"I said I would have reluctantly supported it," McMahon said. "This is not a question about contraception. This is about separation of church and state. I just think that was an overreach and an overstep by government."

Shorter McMahon: I totally would have voted to let employers deny basic health care to women, but I sure woulda felt bad about it so vote for me, ladies!

Hell of a strategy to try to get those women to believe she's not just another typical anti-woman Republican, isn't it?

Contrast McMahon's "reluctant" support of allowing the Catholic Church to veto women's health care with her Democratic opponent, Chris Murphy:

"I respect the wishes of the Catholic Church, but when they operate hospitals that are being run with more than 50 percent of taxpayer dollars, I think they should afford basic health care protections to all of their employees," Murphy said. "I think it's a different story if it's a church or a religious school where you're employing only members of your religious organization."

Murphy said McMahon was trying to have it both ways by professing reluctant support for the measure. Goal Thermometer

"Somebody's got to explain to Linda McMahon that there's only two buttons next to your desk," Murphy said. "There's a green button and a red button. You can't have it both ways. It is unbelievable that a candidate for U.S. Senate in Connecticut could be running on a platform of ending insurance coverage for birth control for millions of women in this country."

Unbelievable is right. But that's today's Republican Party for you, isn't it? Let's send a real advocate for women to the Senate, one whose support for basic health care isn't "reluctant."

Please give $3 to Chris Murphy.

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