Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Linda McMahon says she can't be anti-woman because she is one so there

Linda McMahon, Senate candidate in Connecticut, is none too happy that her Democratic opponent, Chris Murphy, is pointing out her rather extensive anti-woman record. So now she has an ad of her own that totally refutes his:

Have you seen this ad? It's from Chris Murphy. It's totally false, and pretty desperate. Murphy calls me anti-women.

But Chris, take a look. I am a woman. A pro-choice woman. My company offered excellent health benefits that included mammograms and access to birth control. It's absurd to claim I'd vote different. Murphy's had a tough few weeks, but this is really sad.

I'm Linda McMahon, an independent-minded woman, and I approve this message.

So Linda McMahon believes that she can't possibly be anti-women because'duh, Chris Murphy!'she is a woman! Game, set, match!

And as for why her Democratic opponent would claim that she'd vote to take health care away from women? Gosh, wonder where he might have come up with that. Let's see ... let's think waaaaaay back to ... about three blinks ago:

McMahon has publicly expressed her support, albeit somewhat tepidly, for an amendment introduced earlier this year by Missouri Republican Roy Blunt in the Senate. That measure would have given not just religious organizations but all employers the ability to opt out of paying for contraception as part of their health care plans. The employer exemption died along party lines in the Senate.

"I said I would have reluctantly supported it," McMahon said.

 Goal Thermometer

But yeah. It's "absurd" to say that McMahon would vote for the kinds of bills she's said she'd vote for. Absurd!

You know what's absurd? Being a Republican who thinks saying "I am a woman" is just as good as actually supporting women. That's absurd.

Let's show Linda McMahon just how "absurd" it is to think you can erase your anti-woman record just by being a woman.

Please give $3 to Chris Murphy to send a real pro-woman advocate to the Senate.

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