Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hell to Pay: Carpetbaggers, deadbeats, socialists and Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers

Hell to Pay bug The nominations for this week's Hell to Pay are in. Thanks to eeff for nominating Jose Hernandez, rosarugosa for nominating Pat Kreitlow, and Russells 10 who nominated Chris Murphy, as well as a number of you who seconded my nomination of Jim Graves. I'm adding a fifth, Betty Sutton, because, well, the ad against her just pissed me off.

A reminder of how this works: Yesterday we asked for nominations from the community from the list of candidates in Orange to Blue. From that list, we culled the eligible nominations (i.e., the actual Orange to Blue candidates) from your nominations, and here they are. You'll vote on who you think is most deserving of our Hell to Pay fundraiser, which will take place tomorrow.

So, without further bureaucratic ado, here they are:

  • In Jim Graves' race against Michele Bachmann in MN-06, she's got some defenders with a lot of money. This is an ad from The National Republican Trust Pac against Graves.
    Bachmann said that that Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the federal government, infiltrated the State Department through an aide to Hillary Clinton. She's said that her colleague in her state's delegation, Rep. Keith Ellison, has ties to the organization. As Jim Graves said, that's both "outrageous" and "ridiculous." The NRT PAC says that that means "Jim Graves defends Muslim Brotherhood."

    That deserves an answer. Hell, being as crazy as Bachmann and spending money on the airwaves to prove it deserves an answer.

  • Astronaut Jose Hernandez has such a compelling personal story that you'd think the Right would want to be extra careful when attacking. Because he's really a remarkable guy. But you'd think wrong. The conservative nonprofit American Action Network and its sister Super PAC, the Congressional Leadership Fund, are spending $3 million around the country, including this one in CA-10:

    Yep, they called the native of Stockton, California, who "spent his childhood traveling between Mexico and the United States working as a migrant farmer with his family," who became a space shuttle astrounaut, a carpetbagger.

    They have absolutely no shame. They need to pay.

  • The teabagger is out in full force in WI-07, this time coming directely from the National Republican Congressional Committee. They've got this new ad against Democrat Pat Kreitlow, saying that he supported a "government takeover of health care."
    They're still running against Obamacare, trying to smear Democrats in competitive races with the "government takeover" lie. Let's put that one to rest, finally. And let's make them pay.
  • Republicans are so worried about our goal of getting the gavel back to Nancy Pelosi, they're now running against her. Here's an ad from the Congressional Leadership Fund, against Betty Sutton in OH-16, charging that she "works for Nancy Pelosi."
    They Super PAC behind this one is spending more than half a million on that one. Let's make them pay a little bit more.
  • As David Nir says about this story out of the Connecticut Senate race, holy shit.
    After enduring a relentless barrage of negative stories about her million-dollar bankruptcy in 1976 (ignited by a story in The Day which uncovered previously-unseen documents from the filing), Republican Linda McMahon said late on Thursday night that she'll pay back the "individuals" she stiffed almost four decades ago!
    This isn't necessarily something she's done to Democratic opponent Chris Murphy, but hell, she stiffed creditors in 1976 with her bankruptcy, and even though she and her husband have become zillionaires in the past four decades, she's only paying up because she got caught on it in the middle of a political campaign. That's pretty damn sleazy, and deserves some Hell to Pay.

So have at it. Who is going to benefit from Hell to Pay this week?

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