Friday, September 21, 2012

Allen West thinks women are out to 'neuter' him, so let's neuter him right out of office

Aside from being just plain crazy, Republican Rep. Allen West (FL-18) has a real problem with the ladies. His Democratic opponent, Patrick Murphy, is hitting him hard with a new ad to remind voters of West's opposition to basic health care for women. But the best part of the ad is this West quote from 2011 that you might have missed because, well, it's hard to keep track of the non-stop filth West spews:

And all of these women that have been neutering American men and bringing us to the point of this incredible weakness. Let them know that we are not going to have our men become subservient.
Yep. That's what's wrong with America'all the women out there who have forced men subservience. If only women would remember their place. Thank god they have West around to instruct them on how to be a lady. (Hint: Don't criticize Allen West. It's very unladylike.)

West, of course, doesn't think he has a problem with women:

I've been married for 22 years, I have two daughters.
Goal Thermometer

So there. And if you dare to say otherwise, well, that's "the thing that really most aggravates" him:

But yet when all of a sudden you stand up and you say that you will not tolerate this anymore, then they claim to be a victim -- which I find just absolutely laughable.
Yes, West thinks it's "laughable" when other people claim to be victims. Other people who have neutered the men of America into subservience.

So let's aggravate the hell out of Allen West. Please give $3 to Patrick Murphy to send an advocate for women to Congress and "neuter" Allen West right out of office.

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