Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ad wars: Why is Romney's Super PAC pissing away cash in Michigan?

Let's take a look where the big players have spent their money this week:
Americans for Prosperity, the Koch vehicle, was silent on the presidential front. They only spent about $600,000 last week, so it appears they are winding things down. Perhaps they've decided to stop pissing away their cash?

Restore our Future is Mitt Romney's Super PAC, and their spending is, uh, interesting. They spent over a million in Michigan, which no one thinks is competitive anymore. I mean, that 50-41 Obama lead in the polling composite seems pretty cut-and-dry. Let's take a few moment to laugh at the moron conservative millionaires who wrote the checks for those ads.

On the other hand, the nearly $1 million Restore spent in Wisconsin makes more sense. For a candidate desperate for competitive states, Wisconsin appeared to fit the bill'10 electoral votes and narrowed polling. Thus, Rove and the Romney campaign joined in, and collectively outspent the Democrats by about $1.5 million.

And what did they get for that Wisconsin investment? A huge Democratic surge in the state'not just Obama, but Democratic Senate hopeful Tammy Baldwin as well. So even when they don't misspend their money, they're still pissing it away.

Pennsylvania, as we can all see, is truly off the map. North Carolina spending has slowed to a relative trickle. Rove pissed away $5 million of his donors' money, while the Romney campaign continues to confirm its crap finances by getting significantly outspent by the Obama campaign.

The biggest danger to Romney's collapse isn't Democratic complacency'it's the possibility that Super PAC dollars get shifted from the presidential to key House and Senate races. On the other hand, given how little those ads have impacted the race, perhaps it all really doesn't matter much.

Update: Comment of the month:

Rom(bai)ney moves in and takes over the Repub. campaign, mortgages it to the hilt, pays out bonuses, makes everyone involved on his behalf rich, leaves the party on the brink of collapse, all in the name of saving it? Something familiar about this scenario.

by qua

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