Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ken Cuccinelli says crazy conservative Justice Scalia isn't conservative enough

Ken Cuccinelli And in conclusion, derp. The Republican contest to see which one of them can be the most valiantly extremist continues. Here's Virginia attorney general, potential governor and oft-talked-about Republican important guy Ken Cuccinelli explaining why he thinks Supreme Court Justice Antonin "I'm just phoning it it now" Scalia is, in the outback Bartertown that is Ken Cuccinelli's mind, too damn liberal:
During the session, he criticized President Obama, suggesting the president had a malleable vision of the meaning of sin and of the Constitution.

'And really the way to fight back, given the governmental structure we have, the primary way is to get good judges who don't accept what is wrong as right after a while,' Cuccinelli said, according to a video clip of the discussion. 'Justice Scalia is in this category: 'Well, we've been doing it wrong for a while, so now it's part of the Constitution.' I don't buy that. I don't buy that. And that needs to be reflected in the judges selected by the president, not this president, but the president generally, and approved by the Senate. They need to take that a lot more seriously than they do.'

Cuccinelli's campaign declined to comment on his remarks.

A campaign spokesman later clarified that Cuccinelli would be giving further statements on the matter only in the form of confused, pantomime-riddled rants, possibly with mutterings about how we must kill the Batman.

Other bits of that statement to unpack: that the president needs to select judges, but "not this president," because apparently only other presidents select judges; the notion that Obama has a "malleable vision" of sin, which sounds like perhaps Cuccinelli has a very preachy book to sell, and, hell, who are we kidding'the notion that Justice Antonin Scalia, whose only apparent legal premise is that none of his other legal premises apply in any case where he finds them inconvenient, is just too damn much a slave to precedents to give all the current laws the necessary heave-ho, thus turning America into the new conservative utopia that Cuccinelli imagines we're just so close to, if it weren't for those meddling law-guys.

Where do Republicans find these people? Is there a breeding farm, somewhere? A training program for disaffected, uptight youths who long for obsessive government control of the ladyparts, but not oil companies? And what sort of farm system do they have, that they can so effectively promote the very nuttiest ones?

Virginia, I blame you. This recent spate of silly crackpotism from your state points to some more serious problem with, I don't know, let's say the water supply. I think maybe somebody's been fracking in Ken Cuccinelli's head.

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