Monday, January 28, 2013

Fox anchor is convinced millions of new taxpayers would be bad for America because Obamacare

Meet Stuart Varney, a Fox Business News anchor who appeared on the mothership earlier Monday to tell Fox viewers why they should be very troubled at the prospect of immigration reform. According to Mr. Varney, granting citizenship to the 11 million people currently living in America without legal status would be a fiscal disaster for the country because they would suddenly become "eligible for Obamacare."

Mr. Varney does admit that he's not entirely sure what he's talking about, saying "we don't know the cost" of immigration reform, but despite having no numbers whatsoever to back up his claim, he remains convinced that immigration reform is just another plan to soak the makers and give to the takers.

"There is going to be a cost to our medical system, to the federal taxpayer, if you make eleven million people suddenly, quickly, citizens." On and on this prattle went. Somehow he managed to to talk for almost five minutes without even once offering any actual evidence to back up his assertions.

But while Mr. Varney claimed to be concerned about protecting American taxpayers, he failed to mention one little thing: Every viable comprehensive immigration reform proposal requires new working-age citizens to be employed as a condition of citizenship. Unless there is some secret plan to waive taxes for naturalized citizens, they would be paying taxes just like everybody else. That's something Mr. Varney should know: Like those who he seeks to deny legal status, Varney wasn't born in America. But despite being an immigrant, he still pays taxes, as he reminds us every chance he gets.

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