Thursday, February 7, 2013

Texas probes whether schools are teaching kids to be Muslim communist evolution-believers

Texas State Board of Education logo (unofficial) "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" It's been a whole five minutes or so since we've been reminded that the ejukation system in Texas is Damn Effed Up, so it must be time for another installment. Here we have the Fox News website telling us about the newest danger Texas students face: indoctrination into communism!
You know America's changing when leftists have even infiltrated Texas schools.

According to the website, a lesson plan for 6th graders in government schools reads as follows:

Notice socialist/communist nations use symbolism on their flags representing various aspects of their economic system. Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge of creating a flag. Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag. What kind of symbolism/colors would you use?

What has brought forth this nightmare scenario'children learning what communism is, and contemplating how nations use symbolism to advertise themselves on their flags, and probably rampant, socialist coloring? (Do socialist countries use glitter, on their flags? If I was designing a communist flag I'd use lots of glitter. Try to stop that from getting everywhere, other countries.) It turns out to be a single one-paragraph lesson in the Texas standardized curriculum, CSCOPE, which is currently under fire because, oh hell, just see Wonkette for all the reasons. It doesn't have enough Jesus; it mentions Islam too much, and isn't nearly insulting enough when it does; it's all possibly a U.N. sponsored plot. The state's Senate Education Committee has been meeting to set things right, which has led to things like the spectacle of the hand-picked-by-Rick-Perry chairperson questioning why the curriculum only teaches "one side" of things like whether the fossil record actually exists. As the kids say today, I shit you not. And yes, this is far from the first time they've dealt with that particular topic.

Much of the most conspiracy-addled stuff seems to come from, a not-at-all-holy-effing-hell-what-a-crackpot site which features warnings such as "Agenda 21 is Evil" and suggests you learn more by listening to Glenn Beck. You can also learn how curriculum excerpts of Christopher Columbus' journal are being used to promote rampant environmentalism, how high school students are being "indoctrinated" into Islam by having it pointed out that Islam and Christianity worship the same God even though all good Texans know THAT CAN'T POSSIBLY BE TRUE YOU FILTHY LYING LIARS, and how one lesson insults beloved American historical figure Paul Revere by making children think he might be involved in smuggling contraband.

You just can't win with these people. First they're ticked off that they don't have enough control over what every single individual teacher has to say, and demand rigorous national standards to make sure no damn fool teacher can teach unapproved stuff. Now that an agonizingly strict curriculum has been put in place, you've got half of Texas in an uproar that it's just not ignorant and bigoted enough, what with teaching about other countries, and mentioning other religions, and mentioning fossils and stuff without giving the good Jesus-loving kids an opt-out so that they can go on believing what their parents told them about fossils just being things buried a while back by God's dog, Skippy. And what about AGENDA 21?

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