Thursday, February 14, 2013

Robin Kelly crushing it with donors, endorsements, reality

Robin Kelly Robin Kelly, happily failing NRA's test From emailed press release:
Robin Kelly, candidate for Illinois' second Congressional district, released her fundraising numbers, current through February 13th.

Total Raised as of February 13:   $417,727.19
Individual Contributors: 5,254
Average Contribution: $79.50

Goal ThermometerAs of this writing, the Daily Kos community accounts for $80,937 of that total, or over 19 percent of her entire fundraising haul. Even more amazing, the 4,456 Daily Kos community donors make up 85 percent of her total donors.

Kelly has also gotten the endorsement of nearby Reps. Danny Davis, Bobby Rush and Jan Schakowsky. The Chicago Tribune endorsed Kelly partly for her stance on guns, but also because of her unimpeachable ethics (a rare thing in Illinois politics):

Throughout her career, Kelly has been meticulous about separating her campaign activities from her government work. When she ran for state treasurer in 2010, she subtracted from her time sheets any activities that could be considered election-related. In this campaign, she resigned from her job in Cook County to run full time. That's rare among Illinois politicians.
Meanwhile, chief opponent Toi Hutchison, fresh off her endorsement by the Kankakee County Republicans, is sending non-sequitor emails to her list, like this one:
Here's the situation: national gun rights advocates know that I'll support President Obama's plan for comprehensive gun reform - and they're trying to defeat me with their dishonest attacks. If I am not able to fight back, the gun lobby will win [...]

Right wing radicals know I co-sponsored the assault weapons ban here in Illinois. The NRA and their special interest allies know that I will stand with President Obama and demand that Washington pass comprehensive gun safety legislation that will keep our homes, neighborhoods and schools safe.

White is black. Up is down. We've always been at war against Eastasia. While the gun lobby certainly loves the idea of earning an ally out of this seat, fact is they're sitting the election out. Not a single dime of NRA dollars has been spent against Hutchinson or anyone else in this race. And let's not forget Hutchinson's late conversion. She's been a co-sponsor of that assault weapons ban for a couple of weeks after years of avid support for the NRA. That's why she was one of those rare Democrats to consistently earn their endorsement.

And as for the last real candidate in this race, former Rep. Debbie Halvorson, she's now faced over $1.2 million in attack ads from Bloomberg's Super PAC.

The election is less than two weeks away. Let's close the deal. We're currently at 4,456 donors to her campaign. I'd love to see us get to 5,000. So if you haven't chipped in, please do so so we can send our message loud and clear'that an NRA "A" rating will no longer go unpunished.


Debbie Halvorson making her case to #IL02 Democratic primary voters right now... on FOX News
— @DKElections via Echofon

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