Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mitt Rubio (or is it Marco Romney?) to deliver GOP's anti-Obama message

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney shakes hands with U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) (L) at a campaign rally in Coral Gables, Florida October 31, 2012.   REUTERS/Brian Snyder    (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS USA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION) - RTR39U1D My oh my, how things have (not) changed Marco Rubio, universally hailed as the GOP's savior (except by people who use their brain), previews the Bold New Message Of Anti-Obama Change that he plans to deliver during his State of the Union Response tonight:
[Rubio] said his rebuttal would emphasize a number of Republican approaches to improve the economy, including reforms to the tax code, stronger energy policies and ways of improving career and vocational training.

"You're usually able to go as far as your talent and work will take you and that's the direct product of free enterprise and limited government," Rubio said. "The president is basically asking us to abandon that. He's asking us to embrace the principles of more government, more government spending, more government control of our economy."

Rubio said in the past Republicans had not persuaded enough middle-class Americans to support their ideas on the economy. He said the party would argue that tax increases would hurt middle-class families because "they're passed through in the form of higher prices, less pay, less benefits and sometimes layoffs."

"Big government does not help you get ahead. It actually hurts the people who are trying to get ahead," he said.

Okay, so Marco Rubio will propose tax reform (just like Mitt Romney), more digging and drilling for oil and gas (just like Mitt Romney), and some sort of tax benefit for job training (just like Mitt Romney). He'll also accuse President Obama of wanting nothing but big government and of opposing our enterprise system (just like Mitt Romney). And, finally, he'll claim that by raising taxes on wealthy people, President Obama is trying to hurt middle-class families (just like Mitt Romney).

In other words, Mitt Romney is basically giving the Republican response to the State of the Union tonight, except this time, it'll be translated into Spanish.

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