Sunday, February 17, 2013

Desiline Victor and the Advancement Project

Desiline Victor after she arrived in DC Desiline Victor, after her arrival in Washington, D.C., to attend the State of the Union She could be my grandmother.

Just getting a chance to see President Obama honor 102-year-old Desiline Victor at his State of the Union address put a smile on my face. What is disheartening is that Fox News and other right-wingers have gone swimming in sludge'again. In their efforts to disparage the president, they took aim at a woman of whom we all should be proud.  

Kudos to Michelle Obama and the POTUS for inviting her and sharing her story with us.

On Wednesday, Ms. Victor returned to Florida to a heroes welcome'covered by WSVN-TV'and was awarded a proclamation by Miami-Dade County, naming February the 13th "Desiline Victor Day."

For many viewers like me, she is symbolic of the grit and determination exhibited by citizens in pursuit of exercising their right to cast a ballot, in the face of obstacles that are being raised across the United States to disenfranchise the poor, the elderly, immigrants and people of color.

She also symbolizes immigrants to this country who represent what the United States is supposed to be about.

If my own grandmothers were alive today they would both suggest that the faux patriots on the right get their mouths washed out with soap.  

Where are their so-called "family values" when they diss our elders?  

When they spout their pseudo-patriotism, let us remind them that each one of them is descended from immigrants.

Join me in honoring Ms. Victor, the groups working to protect the vote and assisting new citizens, and in discovering more about Caribbean immigrants to our shores'past and present' below the fold.

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