Friday, February 15, 2013

Bloomberg's Super PAC endorses Robin Kelly

This is a big deal:

The super PAC started by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I) is putting its weight behind former state representative Robin Kelly in Illinois's 2nd District special election, releasing a new ad that touts her stance on gun control and criticizes two of her opponents on the issue.

'Kelly will join President Obama to take on the NRA for effective background checks and to ban deadly assault weapons,' says the narrator of the ad. It's the first time the organization, Independence USA PAC, has mentioned Kelly in a TV ad.

4,876 of you have donated to Robin Kelly's campaign since we endorsed her two weeks ago. As Markos pointed out yesterday, Daily Kos supporters make up 85 percent of Kelly's total donors. She's surged to the head of the pack with your help, but it's still a close race. The special election is just 11 days away.

Please donate now and help send a message that an "A" rating from the NRA is absolutely toxic.

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