Friday, February 15, 2013

Anti-choice group calls on Catholics to 'pray and fast for our bishops' to not suck so much

The American Life League, which claims its mission is "to serve God" by hating abortion a lot, is calling upon fellow Catholics to pray for their bishops to, you know, not suck so much:

We need strong and saintly bishops'bishops overflowing with heroic virtue'to shepherd us through these dark days and stand boldly against the overbearing pressures of the world. We need bishops who will call back those betraying politicians, warn them of their peril, and safeguard the body of Christ. We have those bishops now; God has already called them by name. But they need us. They need our prayers, our sacrifices, and our fasting.

Join us on this campaign. Together, let us win the necessary graces to feed our shepherds so that they, in turn, will stand up for the flock.

Good luck with that one, fellas. Maybe when your prayers for even more zealous bishops are answered, you could pray that they stop protecting child rapists. You know, just a thought.


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