In January 2011, when the new Republican-controlled House took over, I warned of the coming War on Women.
And oh how the war came. And oh how we fought back. Hard. We defeated some of their worst attempted legislation, and in the 2012 election, we managed to shrink their wretched rape caucus and send some of the worst offenders packing. And when Mitt Romney vowed to get rid of Planned Parenthood, we got rid of him.
But it's not over, and Republicans in Congress are vowing once again to devote themselves to restricting our rights'from blocking renewal of the Violence Against Women Act to defunding our health care to codifying their ridiculous belief that fertilized eggs deserve greater rights and protections than, you know, the women who carry them.
Rep. Paul Ryan is once again co-sponsoring the Sanctity of Human Life Act, which would recognize fertilized eggs as people. The personhood movement is extremely unpopular and has yet to garner a single victory in any of the states where it has appeared on a ballot, but that didn't stop House Republicans, including Ryan, from supporting it, and now they're going to try again.
And of course it wouldn't be a Republican-controlled House without the same old tired attempts to defund Planned Parenthood. As I wrote earlier this week:
By now, the myriad reasons this is just plain dumb are well known. Like how thanks to the despicable Hyde Amendment, Planned Parenthood is prevented from using any of its government funding for abortion care. Like how abortion comprises a mere 3 percent of its services anyway, which means, for those who have trouble counting, 97 percent of its services have nothing to do with abortion. Like how Planned Parenthood is the nation's largest'and in many areas, only'health care provider for low-income women. Like how we have a very long list of serious problems to fix in this country, and figuring out how to further screw over women shouldn't be one of them.In Texas, we are already witnessing the consequences of Gov. Rick "Oops" Perry's exclusion of Planned Parenthood from the state's Women's Health Program, and it's exactly what we knew would happen. Low-income women are scrambling to find health care providers who qualify under the state's new guidelines and are accepting new patients. The new regulations have been in effect for less than two weeks, but so far, it isn't looking good for those 130,000 low-income women who are been sacrificed at the screw-Planned-Parenthood altar.
Just imagine me how much worse it would be for women across the country if Republicans succeeded in defunding Planned Parenthood at the national level.
Yeah. That bad.
So here we go again. To your battle stations, ladies and friends of ladies. Because the war isn't over yet.
Sign the petition to tell House Republicans not to screw with Planned Parenthood.
This week's good, bad and ugly below the fold.
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