You thought we were done with him, didn't you. What's Scott Brown been up to since his forced retirement by Sen. Elizabeth Warren? What else? Tweeting. And maybe taking some lessons from Chuck Grassley on the art of the tweet. The ex-Sen. and maybe soon-to-be-candidate Scott Brown was in fine form, with a gibberish-filled Twitter spat on Saturday night, mostly consisting of the biting comeback, "whatever." Or in what was soon to become the trending hashtag of the weekend:

Brown's cooler, or clearer, or maybe less-inebriated head prevailed Sunday, when he deleted that
evidence temporary lapse in judgement. (Remember, Scott Brown is completely a teetotaler these days, has been for months, except when he's pounding beers with a reporter.) All that's left is the boring, gee isn't Massachusetts great and look at all the time he's putting in at the gym kind of stuff. You know, that regular guy schtick he's so fond of that's what he talks about to his wife in bed at night. Lucky her.
So for the official record for the purposes of the June special election for John Kerry's Senate seat, Scott Brown is totally a regular boring guy who definitely doesn't get into drunk Twitter fights on Saturday nights.
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