Friday, January 4, 2013

The Republican hypocrites who voted against Sandy relief bill

Here are the 67 Repubicans who voted against funding flood insurance for Sandy victims.

Note that zombie-eyed granny-starver Paul Ryan voted against the bill. He's probably still pissed off about that whole election thing. Take that, blue state victims.

Also on the list are plenty of members from states that certainly aren't immune from national disasters, including wild fires, earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes: Alabama, Florida, Arizona, California, Missouri, Louisiana, Texas. All of these states have certainly received federal emergency aid in the past, probably with the support of these members.

Take Rep. Mo Brooks, from Alabama, for example. Back in 2011, he even held town meetings to help tornado victims in his state to help his constituents "to better understand their federal assistance rights [...] direct grants that you do not have to repay if you qualify, unemployment compensation, rents as you try to find a new place to live."

Or maybe Rep. Paul Broun in Georgia, who applauded FEMA in 2009, and touted his office's work in helping constituents get that federal support. The 2009 disaster? Flooding.

Or Rep. Sam Graves, from Missouri, back in 2011 begging for an emergency declaration from the White House for, you guess it, flooding.

"I urge the President to approve this assistance without delay," said U.S. Congressman Sam Graves. "Many communities along the river have been stretched to the limit preparing for and fighting this unprecedented flood."
Yes, they are all hypocrites. Remember this when the next round of Sandy relief comes up for a vote and these guys demand that the residents of the east coast states hit by Sandy pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

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