Wednesday, January 16, 2013

President signs executive orders and calls for Americans to press their reps on gun violence

pistol with extended magazine Extended magazines like the one
 in this pistol would be banned if
the president's proposal is approved
 by the Senate and House. As expected, the two key recommendations on gun violence announced by President Obama today'in a feisty appearance in which he called out opponents to sensible reform'were universal background checks on anybody buying a gun from any source and a renewed ban on semi-automatic assault weapons together with a maximum limit of 10 rounds in the capacity of magazines for semi-automatic firearms, rifles, pistols and shotguns.

But those require legislative action, which, the president acknowledged, will be no easy matter to accomplish. He therefore called on Americans across the country, especially in districts where gun rights advocates are strong, to ask their representatives if they support new gun restrictions, and if not, why not. This call to action, combined with the use of the "bully pulpit" that the president is obviously preparing for in this certain-to-be-ferocious battle, marks an important change, a kind of merger between campaigning Obama and governing Obama. Huzzah to that.

But the president isn't waiting for Congress. He also took immediate action on a list of 23 items, executive orders and other matters under his purview, before he left the South Court Auditorium where the anti-gun violence measures were announced. Unlike what extremists have been saying, none of these have anything to do with the right-wing claim of "gun-grabbing." Indeed, they are extremely modest. The leading examples:

' Directing Attorney General Eric Holder to review the categories of people who are now barred from owning firearms. Currently, felons, people who have been adjudicated a danger to themselves and others because they are mentally ill and users of illegal drugs (including marijuana) cannot legally buy or possess firearms.

' Nominating B. Todd Jones, the part-time "interim acting director" of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to be permanent director. That post has been vacant because of gun advocates' opposition to filling it since 2006.

' Directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence. Since 1996, the CDC has been specifically barred from such studies.

' Launching a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.

Below the fold is the entire list of executive actions the president took today.

Please send an email to your member of the House of Representatives demanding s/he support President Obama's proposals for improving gun safety.

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