Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Politico has a sad because it doesn't think Obama has done enough to cut Medicare or Social Security

Meanwhile, just a few months ago, Mitt Romney spent millions accusing President Obama
of cutting Medicare by $716 billion. Woe is Politico:
The president has never precisely defined what hard choices he would be willing to make on Medicare and Social Security. It's not even clear what he would do if he had the power to remake the programs on his own, without worrying about opposition from Republicans or Democrats.
How incredibly sad. President Barack Obama just isn't willing to make hard choices on Medicare and Social Security. And, as everybody knows, with an unemployment rate of 7.8 percent, America's top priority is making "hard choices" to cut not just those programs, but Medicaid as well.

If only the president had done something courageous, like passing landmark health care reform legislation that will achieve $716 billion in Medicare savings over the next decade. If only he had been willing to take such a step despite the virtual guarantee that the Republican presidential nominee would run ads attacking him for it. If only he'd been willing to do something bold, like taking the risk of having Republicans claim that he had created death panels when what he really did was create an Independent Payment Advisory Board aimed at reducing Medicare costs.

But no, our lousy president hasn't been willing to make any tough choices at all. In fact, as Politico "reports" in the very same article that I quoted above:

Obama infuriated Democrats by proposing controversial changes to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security during his failed 2011 grand-bargain talks with Boehner. The president was ready to make some entitlement concessions in the fiscal cliff negotiations last month, but that effort fizzled, too.
Wait. Hold on. You mean Obama has proposed additional cuts to Medicare and Social Security?

Continue below the fold to discover why Obama still sucks, at least according to Politico

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