Thursday, January 3, 2013

Goodbye to the lunatic, the misogynist, the deadbeat dad, the centerfold ... and Lieberman

doormat that says Ah. Another legislative session over, another swearing in of a whole new class of bright-eyed, bushy-tailed lawmakers, eager as all get-out to start protecting the rich, screwing the poor, and grandstanding about 'Merica and light bulb freedom and shrinking the gubmint so it's small enough to drown in a bathtub'or fit inside a vagina.

But before we welcome the newest members, let us take a moment to say so long, farewell, please-oh-pretty-please let the door hit you on the way out to those extra-special sons of bitches we can't wait to not miss:

  • The deadbeat dad.
  • The pimp daddy centerfold.
  • The not-intended-to-be-a-factual-statement maker.
  • The pouty teabagger.
  • The lunatic.
  • The magic-believing misogynist.
  • And of course, Joe Lieberman.

So have at it. And remember, if you can't say anything nice ... well, that's okay. These guys don't deserve it.

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