Thursday, January 24, 2013

Conservatives up in arms over women in arms

Two people who could kick Bryan Fischer's ass in 10 seconds flat. Victorian-era mountebanks are agreed: Allowing the womenfolk to engage in military combat is just so ' so gauche:
Retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, executive vice president of the Family Research Council, said in a statement Wednesday that lifting the military's ban on women serving in combat positions is a "social experiment" that is not worth the additional burdens it places on the military's leadership.
I had somehow forgotten that Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin had invested himself with the Family Research Council. I am sad now because this has forced me to remember that. Anyway, he says America's women can't handle being in combat positions because of, I Shit You Not, "personal hygiene" reasons.
"The people making this decision are doing so as part of another social experiment, and they have never lived nor fought with an infantry or Special Forces unit. These units have the mission of closing with and destroying the enemy, sometimes in close hand-to-hand combat. They are often in sustained operations for extended periods, during which they have no base of operations nor facilities. Their living conditions are primal in many situations with no privacy for personal hygiene or normal functions."
Also opposing: America's dumbest ex-congressman Allen West, who himself was drummed out of the military for all that stuff he did:
'GI Jane was a movie and should not be the basis for a policy shift. I ' have known women who are Apache and Cobra helicopter pilots ' but being on the ground and having to go mano y [sic] mano in close combat is a completely different environment.'
That's pretty dumb, all right. Anyone else want to join in? Let's look at some other conservative competitors below the fold.

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