Thursday, February 14, 2013

Watch out, Ken Cuccinelli, Planned Parenthood is coming for you

Ken Cuccinelli Are you scared yet, Ken?
You should be. The uphill battle to win the Virginia governorship just got a lot harder for state Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R-of course). Cuccinelli is a hero to the wingnuttiest wing of the Republican Party, and yet, shockingly, he's not exactly cruising to gubernatorial victory. In fact, as David Nir wrote in January, Cuccinelli even (and quite comically) attempted to take a "moderate" position on the state's latest proposed abortion bill, which would make optional the current equirement that women seeking an abortion first undergo a mandatory ultrasound. Normally, restricting women's reproductive rights is one of Cuccinelli's favorite things to do. He even told his bishop, "You need to go to jail," in the name of opposing birth control. He's that nuts. But as David explained:
Cuccinelli is such a dyed-in-the-wool wingnut that any attempts he might make to move to the center on any topic (but especially one as hot as abortion) come off looking about as authentic as Harold Ford in a hunting cap. So not only will no one buy his conversion, but he'll look so weak and nakedly expedient for even trying it. [...]

This all suggests to me a campaign whose internal polling shows a difficult path to victory and is flailing as a result. Cuccinelli really is damned either way, though: If he goes back to showing his true colors, he'll look like the extremist he is, and if he continues to try to revise his public profile, he'll look like a fraud.

And now things are about to get a whole lot worse for Cuccinelli because Planned Parenthood has launched a full-fledged assault on his campaign. And if there's one lesson woman-hating Republicans ought to have learned from the 2012 election, it's that you don't want to get on Planned Parenthood's bad side. Via Politico:
At the center of the campaign is a new website, 'Keep Ken Out.' The site features news clips about Cuccinelli, a blog and a list of his positions on issues like abortion, contraception and Obamacare. [...]

'Ken Cuccinelli might not yet be a household name. But in just three short years, he has amassed a record as Virginia attorney general that has earned him the distinction of 'the most overtly partisan attorney general in Virginia's history,'' the main bar of the site says. 'Now, he's trying to take his ideology straight to the Virginia governor's office.'

The KeepKenOut website is an exhaustive and devastating collection of the many offenses of Cuccinelli, from his most jaw-dropping comments to his endorsement from Rick Santorum. Given how effective Planned Parenthood's ads against Mitt Romney were in 2012, you can be sure that this spells Trouble-with-a-capital-T for Cuccinelli. Which is exactly what he deserves.

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