Friday, February 8, 2013

Toi Hutchison's proud gun lobby endorsement; Robin Kelly is on the air

The ISRA is the "Illinois State Rifle Association", the state-level affiliate of the National Rifle Association (NRA). This is their 2012 endorsement list (full original doc here).

2012 endorsement list from the Illinois State Rifle Association including Toi Hutchison. Goal ThermometerThis is a Chicago-based district. There's no need for us to elect anyone who would be on any list with Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Joe Walsh, or any of the other Republicans on this list. Yet there is Toi Hutchison, proudly wearing the "E" for "endorsed", scooping up their cash, and ignoring the 500 gun-related deaths in her backyard in 2012 alone.

We'll never get sensible gun regulations until we purge Congress of the NRA, and this is where we start. This is where we stop being afraid of the NRA, and begin making its endorsement toxic. This is where we finally stop ceding ground to the NRA, and finally go on the offensive.

We're almost at 3,000 contributors and over $60,000 for Orange to Blue endorsee Robin Kelly. Your dollars specifically allowed Kelly to be the first (and only) candidate in the race to go on the air. You made this happen:

Now let's finish the week strong. We've only got two more weeks before the special election. Let's make them count. Contribute to Kelly today.

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