Monday, February 11, 2013

Rep. Steve 'Impeach Obama' Stockman invites Ted Nugent to provide response to State of the Union

Ted Nugent at Gov. Rick Perry's inaugural ball.
 (Via YouTube) Poor Sen. Marco Rubio. Who knew that Ted "Machine-gun" Nugent, the has-been chickenhawk rock star, would be on hand as a guest to advise Republican Rep. Steve Stockman on tweeting during President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech Tuesday? Nugent will "be available" for interviews after the speech, Stockman stated in a press release, no doubt giving the senator from Florida a run for his money in attracting the media.

The first-term congressman from the newly created 36th district of Texas, who served one-term as a representative from 1995-97, is just about as aggressively loony as Nugent, having, among other things, introduced in response to the 12/14 massacre in Connecticut a bill calling for repealing legislation requiring "gun-free zones" around schools and threatening to file articles of impeachment against Obama over executive orders on gun restrictions.

Perhaps, when the president mentions reducing gun violence in his speech, as he is almost certain to do, Nugent will suggest that Stockman reprise the "musician's" comments from August 2007:

Obama, he's a piece of shit, and I told him to suck on my machine gun. Let's hear it for him.
Or, perhaps he will suggest that Stockman remind the president that there will come a time when:
...the law-abiding gun owners of America, will be the Rosa Parks, and we will sit down on the front seat of the bus, case closed."
Or, perhaps, since Nugent has already tweeted on the subject:
well well well, there will be a freedom addicted all American uppity Motown guitarplayer facing the POTUS at the SOTU addresss tomoro-lovely
' @TedNugent via Mobile Web (M2) He could just skip giving advice and switch over to his own Twitter account during the State of the Union and remind us all of the implied thread he issued last April:
"If Barack Obama becomes the President in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."
Nice pick, Rep. Stockman.


databob has a post on the subject here.

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