Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pulling a Mitt Romney on guns

Gun drawing in Etch-a-Sketch Quick backstory: We have a special election at the end of the month in the Indigo-Blue, Chicago-based Illinois 2nd Congressional District. Despite Chicago's soaring gun violence, two of the three serious Democrats in the race have received "A" ratings from the NRA, while we have endorsed the one who got the "F"'Robin Kelly.

Goal ThermometerThe NRA is certainly excited about getting a potential "1/435th" of a House vote from this district, and they should be. No way in hell should a gun-zealot Democrat be elected here. And at least one of those two candidates, Toi Hutchison, has realized it. Now, she's trying to pull a Mitt Romney.

Hutchinson maintained that Kelly was running "a single-issue campaign" and trying to score "more political points" marketing the state senator's gun-rights positions "as though they're the positions that I have right now. And, I'm saying very clearly I'm moderating my positions."
She now brags about co-sponsoring two key gun control bills in the state legislature, so when did this actually happen? Thanks to Illinois blogger Archpundit, we know exactly when: Jan. 29, 2013.

As in last week.

Last session'nada. Kotowski had bills up to require all private sales with family exceptions have to undergo a background check, make it illegal to purchase a 50 caliber rifle, and make it illegal to sell a gun to a gang member. Munoz had the assault weapons ban last session as well.

Evolving views happen, but some are just too convenient especially when Hutchinson was so absent on even basic common sense changes. Hutchinson saying she is doing something now is nothing more than looking around and realizing she is toast with the NRA hung around her neck.

Robin Kelly Robin Kelly Exactly. You don't claim a conversion when as recently as last year you refused to sign on to legislation banning the sale of .50 caliber weapons for chrissakes (much less arming gang members)! Hutchison was proud to fill out NRA endorsement questionnaires and take their money when it was convenient for her to do so. She claims Sandy Hook changed her mind, but she ignored the 500 killed in her own backyard in 2012 alone. Unconscionable.

Join the nearly 2,500 Daily Kos community members who have already given to Robin Kelly, the only serious candidate in this race to have gotten an "F" rating from the NRA, because that's who should be rewarded.

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