Friday, February 8, 2013

PPP's new Alaska poll has positive news for Dem Sen. Mark Begich

Summer scenery in Denali National Park, Alaska USA. Denali National Park, Alaska I'm gonna guess that freshman Sen. Mark Begich, running for re-election in quirky red Alaska, has got to like PPP's newest poll numbers. Begich has a pretty solid 49-39 job approval rating, including positive marks from 24 percent of Republicans; given the circumstances he faces, I think that's actually quite good. His head-to-heads against a bevy of potential challengers are also decent: ' 48-48 vs. Gov. Sean Parnell

' 47-41 vs. Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan 47/41

' 47-39 vs. Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell

' 50-40 vs. ex-Lt. Gov. Loren Leman

' 54-38 vs. ex-Gov. Sarah Palin

' 58-30 vs. 2010 Senate nominee Joe Miller

While Republicans will probably find succor in the fact that their most popular would-be contender, Parnell, ties Begich out of the gate, there isn't much reason to expect him to run for Senate. That's because Parnell is also up for re-election (more on that in a bit), and he'd almost certainly cruise to a second term. (Alright, really, second-and-a-halfth term, since of course Sarah Palin bugged out halfway through her tenure.)

Palin's obviously not going to run, either; at this point, Miller and Treadwell look to be closest to making the race, though Sullivan, Leman, and others may also take the plunge. Of course, those Miller numbers look awfully delicious, but unfortunately for Democrats, Republicans seem to hate him, too. Tom Jensen also tested a hypothetical GOP primary (leaving out Parnell and Palin), and Miller, sadly, brings up the rear. Head below the fold to see how the Republican field shakes out.

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