Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Marc Thiessen wants to impeach the president. And he's got a new reason!

Clowns Make it stop. Bush-era megahack Marc Thiessen has graced the Washington Post (yes, he writes for them, probably because the Post opinion pages are a welfare system for humiliated conservatives) to inform us of yet another super-duper urgent reason why we may need to impeach Obama. According to the Bush speechwriter, the president may have leaked classified information! No, he means this president! Oh, and he doesn't mean this president, but maybe people in his inner circle, and wouldn't that be outrageous?
Imagine if The Post broke a story about the biggest scandal of the Obama-era ' and Washington responded with a collective yawn?

That's precisely what happened recently when The Post reported on its front page that senior Obama administration officials were being investigated by the FBI and Justice Department for the leak last summer that the president had personally ordered cyberattacks on the Iranian nuclear program using a computer virus developed with Israel called Stuxnet.

The difference between a ranting naked man on a street corner and Marc Thiessen is that some idiot put the contents of Theissen's cardboard sign up on the Post opinion pages. Biggest. Scandal. Ever! You guys! You guys, look over here!

There are several problems with Thiessen's argument, all of which Thiessen has the foresight to actually put in his damn column. First, if someone leaked information about Stuxnet and the president didn't authorize it, there's nothing goddamn impeachable there and, second, if someone leaked information about Stuxnet and the president did know it, there's also nothing goddamn impeachable there. As we have learned from the Bush/Cheney/Rove team, after all, the president and anyone associated with the president can reveal super-secret classified information whenever they want, for any reason, and if you don't like it it's because you hate America.

But that was then, in the before-times. Now things are different, as Thiessen actually, honest-to-God writes (yes, yes, let's jump below the fold for this one):

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