Saturday, February 9, 2013

Iowa Republican introduces bill to define abortion as murder just 'cause

A woman's hands behind bars Tossing women and doctors in jail
saves lives ... how exactly? Sigh:
State Rep. Rob Bacon believes abortion is murder and he wants the Iowa Code to reflect that.

Bacon, R-Slater, and eight other Republicans introduced such a bill in the Iowa House Wednesday. It would alter the definition of a person in murder cases to 'an individual human being, without regard to age of development, from the moment of conception, when a zygote is formed, until natural death.'

'It's to protect the life of the unborn,' Bacon told the Tribune. 'There's still some of us that believe life begins at conception.'

Those charged with murder, under the bill, would include a mother who takes abortion-inducing drugs or a doctor who performs an abortion. It also grants no exceptions for rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother.

You'd think eventually, this would get old. Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land for 40 years. Abortion is legal in this country, and the majority of Americans want it to stay that way. But for some reason, the forced-birth movement just won't stop trying to legislate women's reproduction. To "protect the unborn." To protect women from their own decisions. Not one of these hundreds of bills that get introduced every year actually saves lives. They just make life harder for women and their families. You know, those very families these zealots supposedly care so much about. But this is a movement that is obsessed with regulating women's bodies. Damn the law, damn public opinion, and of course, damn the women.


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