Saturday, February 16, 2013

Debbie Halvorson complains to, FOX News and National Review about anti-NRA efforts

Screenshot of FOX News appearance by Debbie Halvorson Debbie Halvorson, making her case to FOX News viewers. Democrat Debbie Halvorson is doing her best impression of a contortionist as she makes the rounds on right-wing media to complain about anti-NRA efforts in the IL-02 race.

In an interview with National Review, Halvorson claimed she's moderating her positions and is now in favor of more gun control laws because her district has changed:

Halvorson calls the ads 'over the top' and 'deplorable,' in part because she has systematically disavowed the positions that earned her that 'A' rating. With the exception of an assault-weapons ban, she backs all of the proposals set forth by the president and Democrats in Congress. 'I have always said, since running in this primary, that we need universal background checks, we need to end the gun-show loophole,' she tells National Review Online. Asked about her change of heart, Halvorson offers a curious explanation. Because of redistricting, she says, she now represents a different constituency. 'It's kind of ironic that they're trying to take my stance from my old district and do what they're doing,' she says. The second district, which is now majority African American and overwhelmingly Democratic, is more urban as a result of the 2011 redistricting process. In other words, Halvorson's views on gun regulation seem to have shifted to reflect those of her new constituency.  Halverson also says that her views are 'evolving' in the wake of the massacre in Newtown, Conn., that took the lives of 20 children and six adults. 'There's a national conversation,' she adds, a growing sentiment that 'we have to do something.'
Goal Thermometer

But days earlier, in an interview with, she insisted that she's sticking to her pro-gun positions because she "understands" her district and therefore refuses to support more gun control laws:

The candidates in this [Democratic primary] race, obviously since this is a special election they don't understand the district. I ran against Jesse Jr., in the [2012] primary, I had seven months to travel every road, every home, I've traveled to churches, and every town in this district, and they are missing the point. African-Americans, Caucasians, Hispanics, many have told me they believe in their right to own and bear arms. And so when the Democrats now all of a sudden everyone thinks they can be a Congressman, they jump into a special election race and they think that nobody ought to have a right to own and bear arms, they're missing the point. They obviously haven't traveled the district. I live in the district, I was born and raised in this district, and I live in Will County. They just don't get it' I believe in law abiding citizens having their rights, and I refuse to support another law until we figure out how to go after the criminals.  It's as simple as that.
So, she's allegedly moderating her gun control views and wants new laws because she's in a new district while her opponents are "missing the point" in slamming her on gun control because she's just representing the views of the district she's lived in all her life by "refus[ing] to support another law." Crystal clear, right?

Yesterday, she complained to FOX News viewers that "everybody has decided to gang up on me." (video here). Who would have thought that doing the NRA's bidding would cause such blowback?

Help us keep up the pressure and make sure Debbie Halvorson doesn't get back into Congress. Robin Kelly is "proud" of her "F" rating from the NRA. And unlike Debbie Halvorson, Kelly actually consistently believes in doing the right thing on gun control. Donate to Robin Kelly's campaign today and let's get her over the finish line.

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