Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: Good luck! Karl Rove tries to purge the GOP's nutters

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' IA-Sen: It sounds like the GOP is trying to create its own cat fud inspection commission, with the aim of flushing past-the-expiration-date tea-infused cat fud down the toilet. I definitely don't see any problems stemming from that! Spooked by the likes of Todd Akin, a new Super PAC called the Conservative Victory Project will try to derail the further hopes of conservative nutbars, starting with Iowa. This sounds like it will actually be a lot of fun:

The group's plans, which were outlined for the first time last week in an interview with [Stephen] Law, call for hard-edge campaign tactics, including television advertising, against candidates whom party leaders see as unelectable and a drag on the efforts to win the Senate. Mr. Law cited Iowa as an example and said Republicans could no longer be squeamish about intervening in primary fights.

"We're concerned about Steve King's Todd Akin problem," Mr. Law said. "This is an example of candidate discipline and how it would play in a general election. All of the things he's said are going to be hung around his neck."

Law, by the way, is president of American Crossroads, and this new group also is, of course, connected to Karl Rove. Anyhow, it's not like Democrats don't experience chip-on-the-shoulder primaries either, when butthurt candidates moan about the "establishment" trying to pick a nominee. (See MA-Sen for the most current example.) But "Unelectable Freak Wins Democratic Primary" is not a common headline, and the fact is that conservative voters like their politicians crazy. So will the likes of this Conservative Victory Project be enough to nuke the nutters from orbit? Or will it just fuel teabagger ire even further? I'm guessing there will be some mixed results, but it's probably very dangerous to start lighting matches in the vicinity of Steve King.

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