Monday, February 4, 2013

Daily Kos Draft Romney scheme hooks unexpected fish, potentially

Tagg Romney, son of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, takes a picture from the VIP box during the second session of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida August 28, 2012.   REUTERS/Joe Skipper (UNITED STATES  - Tags: POLITICS ELE Last we heard from Taggart Romney, he was saying he wanted to "take a swing" at Barack Obama after his dad got demolished by the president in the second presidential debate. When we announced our Draft Romney for Senate scheme last week, the idea was to draft Mitt Romney, but we quickly ran into a major roadblock:
@jedlewison Mitt hears the word draft and he run to France!!!
' @Amatodeb via web But it turns out our problem might not have been the draft, but rather the Romney we targeted. Mitt's out, but apparently his son Taggart is considering a bid for John Kerry's seat. Before you get too excited, yes, it's true that CNN is reporting people close to him say it's not likely that he'll run, which really isn't a surprise given that he'd be a sure loser. His dad might have been governor of Massachusetts, but Obama did just as well in 2012 as 2008, and Mitt Romney was such a disappointment as governor that he didn't bother to run for reelection because he would have lost. That's not the kind of nepotism that wins elections.

Still, even though he's probably not going to run, you need not abandon all hope: the mere fact that he's keeping his name in the news by publicly mulling it is pretty strong evidence that he harbors ambitions to eventually run for office. And when that happens, we'll get to relive the hilarious Romney follies all over again.

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