Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Cantor's big relaunch of the GOP on health care a lead balloon

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor speaks at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management in Evanston, Illinois, October 28, 2011. REUTERS/John Gress (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS) Eric Cantor House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's big speech is done, the fourth or fifth slathering of lipstick in recent months on his porcine party. As promised, there's a lot of the same on policy, but made to sound just a little less Ayn Randian. That's particularly true on Obamacare, Medicare, and Medicaid.

What we got was very little in the way actual policy prescriptions beyond what we've already heard, the usual lies, and a few "real people" example to provide the lipstick part of this new, family-friendly part of this farce.

Lies first:

President Obama's health care law resulted in higher premiums and costs for families, and has made access to quality health care and innovation tougher. If we want to reverse this trend, we should start by choosing to repeal the new taxes that are increasing the costs of health care and health insurance, like the medical device tax.
That's very truthy of him. Actually, the medical device tax doesn't really have anything to do with health insurance premiums nor to costs to families, because it doesn't apply to the kind of devices people themselves buy: eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids. And in real life, Obamacare has very little to do with rising insurance premiums.

Follow along below the fold for the sleight of hand on Medicare and Medicaid part of the show.

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