Saturday, February 9, 2013

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: The Blizzard of '13

picture of storm's cloud system Yesterday's nor'easter developing from space, via NASA Have a storm plan. Which family members will be eaten first? Lead an honest, loving discussion based on merit and caloric value.
' @pourmecoffee via TweetDeck
A Northeast storm that could rival the famed Blizzard of 1978 in New England is organizing.

This possibly historic blizzard is the result of interaction between packets of energy embedded within two streams of flow merging off the Mid-Atlantic coast ' one from the north and the other from the south.

Related: Northeast hunkers down for major blizzard; Boston area possible snow bullseye

These 'phasing streams' will lead to an explosively deepening area of low-pressure ' a meteorological bomb ' that will release vast quantities of snow from northern New Jersey across New England.

Winter nor'easters don't have names. They are nor'easters.
If you let Weather Channel name storms, just know this will lead to Dorito's ® Cool Ranch Blizzard of 2014 next year.
' @pourmecoffee via TweetDeck
Making good on his threat promise that he's not going away, ex-Congressman Joe Walsh reared his head Friday morning to blast the first lady for traveling to her hometown of Chicago to attend slain 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton's funeral.
Because Joe Walsh wasn't enough of a jerk, he wants his legacy established. Oh, and btw, when you read about the Republican civil war between the establishment and the tea party, Walsh embodies the tea party.

Molly Ball:

How the Gun-Control Movement Got Smart

Why are advocates so optimistic now when reform has failed so many times before? Because they have a totally new strategy.

I completely respect the Second Amendment. And I'm from Newtown, where everyone does. Now pass those bills.

More punditry and politics below the fold.

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