Saturday, January 12, 2013

This week in science: Release the Kraken!

GiantSquid Image courtesy of Discovery Channel's "Monster Squid: The Giant Is Real," premieres on Sunday, Jan. 27 at 8/7 Central as the season finale of the Curiosity series. Click for more info. Not that this will persuade the zombie liars, but it's official:
This week the National Climate Data Center confirmed what most had long believed: 2012 was the warmest year on record for the United States. Ever. And not just a bit warmer: a full Fahrenheit degree warmer than in 1998, the previous high. In the land of climatology statistics, that is immense. In the understatement of one climate scientist, these findings are "a big deal."
  • After many dollars and years, the Discovery Channel now has the holy grail of natural wildlife photography: video of a living giant squid in its natural habitat!
  • Flu is now widespread in almost every state. Don't forget to check in with DemFromCT and the medicos at the Flu Wiki to keep up.
  • Machine to Machine: the next big thing.
  • A new revolutionary space module under development by a NASA subcontractor goes up tiny, then gets big enough for a space traveler to stretch her legs or house delicate machinery from the rigors of space.
NASA and Bigelow Aerospace have reached an agreement that could pave the way for attaching a Bigelow-built inflatable space habitat to the International Space Station, a NASA spokesman said.

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