Thursday, January 17, 2013

Republicans ask a pizza executive to teach them how to not suck so much

Collage of five pictures of Herman Cain holding up his fingers No, not that pizza executive Here's what House Republicans were up to yesterday:
House Republicans heard it loud and clear Wednesday: They are unpopular and need to change their ways.

Speaker John Boehner's House Republican Conference is more disliked now than when it took the majority two years ago, lawmakers and aides here found out. After taking a bruising in the 2012 elections, the Republican Party needs an image makeover and the GOP must learn to relate better to voters.

They even had their very own pollster deliver the bad news:
David Winston, a top GOP pollster and close adviser to Boehner, unveiled the House Republicans' most recent favorable rating based on his own analysis: It came in at a barrel-scraping 37 percent.
I bet they pay Winston a pretty penny for his valuable insights, but this is information they could have gotten for free. Case in point: Yesterday, the Washington Post and ABC News released a poll showing that just 24 percent of Americans approve of the job Republicans are doing in Congress. Seventy-one percent disapprove.

Those are miserable numbers. No wonder Republicans think they need to improve their game plan. So how do they plan on doing it? Well, yesterday, they asked for advice from a pizza executive. No, not that pizza executive. This one:

Domino's Pizza CEO J. Patrick Doyle explained to House Republicans how he remade his company's brand.
So, moral of the story: The one thing Republicans seem to have learned from 2012 to 2013 is that Domino's is better than Godfather's.

Problem is, it still sucks.

11:37 AM PT: Apparently the 37 percent figure quoted in the original article was a typo'the number they were actually given was 27 percent, which seems much more realistic.

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