Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Peter King shocked'shocked!'that being a heartless bastard is a Republican value actually

Peter King on CNN: "Turning your back on people who are starving and freezing is not a Republican value."
' @DomenicoNBC via TweetDeck

Awww. Cute! Rep. Peter King, the Republican from New York who usually likes to spend his time worrying about the scary Muslims hiding around every corner, just waiting to get their Muslim all over him, is taking a break to chastise his fellow Republicans for being the heartless bastards they are just because they aren't interested in sending disaster relief to King's constituents. He is shocked that Republicans would turn their backs on those in need because apparently, he didn't read the memo that, um, screwing those in need isn't just a Republican value, but it's sort of the main selling point on which the entire party tried to run in the 2012 election. (How'd that work out for ya, guys? I keep forgetting.)

As Jed Lewison explained:

According to King, his colleagues had assured him the [Hurricane Sandy] relief package would come up for a vote after the fiscal cliff bill had been dealt with. King said John Boehner personally assured him it would get a vote. "And then," King said, referring to the moments after the fiscal cliff deal had been passed, "the speaker walked off the floor, told an aide to the majority leader that the Congress was finished, that there were no votes, and they came back and told us." [...]

"I'm saying right now: anyone from New York and New Jersey who contributes one penny to congressional Republicans is out of their mind because what they did last night to put a knife in the back of New Yorkers and New Jerseyans was an absolute disgrace."

Yeah! Also, hell yeah! It is a disgrace to stick a knife in the back of those hurricane victims. This is America, damnit, and we don't turn our backs on the poor and the sick and the old and the homeless and the hungry. We help our fellow citizens in need, don't we? And right now, the victims of Hurricane Sandy need us. What kind of party would abandon them?

Maybe the party of this heartless bastard:

  • Voted NO on Roll Call 428. (H.R. 2112) to increase funding for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), which provides food to low-income children, pregnant mothers, and seniors.
  • Voted YES on Roll Call 258. (H.R. 1217) to eliminate the Prevention and Public Health Fund, which covered "preventive health care initiatives such as immunizations, school health centers, primary care physician training programs, and anti-obesity measures."
  • Voted YES on Roll Call 247. (H.R. 1363) to cut $12 billion "from a number of domestic programs, including home heating assistance for low income Americans as well as clean water programs."
  • Voted NO on Roll Call 273. (H. Con. Res. 34) to let tax cuts for the rich expire and to increase funding for, among other things, food stamps.

You get three guesses for the guy who stuck in the knife and turned his back on those starving, freezing, barely surviving fellow Americans. But I'll bet you only need one.

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