Monday, January 21, 2013

Open thread for night owls: Mitch McConnell takes hard line on gun-restriction measures

Mark Sappenfield writes Why Republicans defy public opinion in gun-control fight:

To the surprise of precisely no one within the Beltway, the Senate's top Republican on Saturday told people across his home state of Kentucky that ' if he has his way ' President Obama's gun-control proposals won't go anywhere. [']

But don't expect a backlash against Senator McConnell if he blocks Obama's plans. After all, those aren't the numbers that he will be looking at.

He will note that only 44 percent of Republicans back a ban on assault weapons, and Republicans similarly line up against the magazine ban. He will also note that, among those who say protecting gun rights is more important than controlling guns, nearly one-quarter have contributed a gun-rights group. Among those who think gun control is more important, only 5 percent have contributed to gun-control groups. [']

He faces reelection in 2014. Turnout is generally low in a midterm cycle, meaning McConnell will want to woo the most engaged voters'and gun-rights supporters fit that bill. Moreover, in red-state Kentucky, McConnell likely has more to fear from a right-wing challenger in the Republican primary than a Democrat in the general election (even if Ashley Judd does join the race). That's why he'll tack to the right'as moderate Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) is doing in South Carolina.

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