Monday, January 21, 2013

Many Republicans sad because Obama's speech was not bipartisan enough

Crying baby Hush, now. It'll be all right. From the timing of these first articles today, each of Republicans involved decided they didn't like President Obama's inaugural speech somewhere between the moment it ended and the pre-parade toasts. Although for a few of them, I think they decided they hated the speech long before Christmas '
'I would have liked to have seen some outreach,' said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who lost to Obama in the 2008 presidential race. 'This is the eighth [inauguration] that I've been to and always there's been a portion of the speech where [the president says] 'I reach out my hand because we need to work together.' That wasn't in this speech."
Yep, that's going to be the theme. A bunch of Republicans wringing their hands at this darn president just being so darn mean. Everybody knows inaugural speeches are about making Republicans feel better'that's just common sense.
'It did seem that he wasn't doing the kind of outreach that he needs to do if he wants to get things accomplished in a second term,' [Sen. John Thune] said.
That's great and all, but could we hear it from a more pronouncedly jerkish legislator? Someone who, perhaps, has spent the last four years turning the congress into a circus of conspiracy theories, pseudo-scandals, witch hunts, and other "good theater"?
'The words were code for a progressive agenda. I'm hoping that the president will recognize that compromise should have been the words for today, and they clearly weren't,' said Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), a frequent Obama critic who has zealously pursued a contempt case against Attorney General Eric Holder.
Ah, that's the stuff. Darn it, Mr. President, you've gone and made Darrell Issa sad. That's just cruel.

More (and crazier) below the fold...

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