Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: Bruce Braley reportedly considering a run for Iowa governor

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' IA-Gov: This is rather unexpected: Third-term Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley (who represents IA-01) is apparently floating his name for the gubernatorial race in 2014. He's reportedly "seriously considering" a challenge to Terry Branstad, though note that Braley himself wasn't interviewed for the article. (However, several other party insiders say as much.) That's the first I've heard of Braley in connection with the governor's race, as he's been seen as an up-and-comer with a potential future in House leadership (though he doesn't have an entirely safe district and barely hung on in 2010), and, if he were to go for a promotion, has usually been linked with the Senate instead. (On the plus side, this may be a clue that Tom Harkin is indeed planning to run for re-election, and governor is Braley's only shot to move up this cycle.)

This poses the question, though, of Braley's odds and his motivation. Why give up on the House for a race against Branstad that, at least for now, seems like a long shot? Branstad's popularity hasn't taken anywhere near as much of a hit as other Midwestern Republican governors elected in 2010, and clearly Iowans have no problem returning Branstad year after year to the state house (this would be his sixth term, if he runs and wins again). Braley may be hoping to be standing at the front of the line if Branstad retires, but Branstad is still in his 60s and doesn't seem to be signaling retirement. Maybe, though, declining quality of life in the House and the prospect of many more years in the minority is enough to motivate him to roll the dice now.

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