Thursday, January 24, 2013

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Hillary and Barack vs Republicans

Gallup on Obama's gun safety proposals

Gallup: Americans Back Obama's Proposals to Address School shootings


Given the chance to vote "for" or "against" each of nine key proposals included in President Barack Obama's plan to reduce gun violence, Americans back all nine. Americans are most likely to be in favor of requiring background checks for all gun sales (91%), increasing funding for mental health programs aimed at youth (82%), increasing funding for programs to train law enforcement and schools in responding to active armed attacks (79%), and increasing criminal penalties for people who buy guns for others -- so-called straw purchasers (75%).
Dana Milbank:
But Clinton's appearance on the Hill, expected to be her last before she is succeeded by John Kerry, provided a broader vindication of the one-time (and probably future) presidential candidate. There had been concern among Democrats that the Benghazi episode would mar her otherwise successful tenure at State ' but in fact she is leaving the post more popular than ever.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that 67 percent of Americans view her favorably, a career high and roughly double the popularity congressional Republicans have. So when Clinton clashed with GOP lawmakers Wednesday, it had the feeling of a Hummer colliding with a Smart Car.

Sen McCain: If Obama used the word "terrorist" more, the problems would all go away. Sec Clinton: And you actually believe that?
' @DemFromCT via Twitter for iPhone


Sen. McCain: if this hearing were earlier, Romney would be President. Hell, 4 years earlier and I'd be President. Sec Clinton: Really?
' @DemFromCT via Twitter for iPhone
Micah Cohen:
Mr. Obama devoted an entire paragraph to climate change and energy, and later in the speech he pointed to several public policy issues where 'our journey is not complete,' he said.

Polls show that the president has at least a slim majority of Americans in his corner on almost all of the issues he highlighted. Here's a look at the most recent polling on some of the agenda items Mr. Obama laid out:

That analysis sure beats this piece of crap from Politico yesterday:
In this light, it's worth pondering: How will Barack Obama's supremely self-confident second inaugural address ' with its high quotient of self-regard and minimally concealed contempt for opponents ' be remembered 10 years from now?
It was an inaugural address and a second one at that. It was not a concession speech, as much as Politico tried to frame it as such. People like the stance on issues (see above article from Micah Cohen.) Deal with it.

Sen Paul: if I were President... Sec Clinton: Why, are you running, Senator?
' @DemFromCT via Twitter for iPhone

We can only wish.

More punditry below the fold...

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