Thursday, February 14, 2013

Paul Broun wants to be a senator because Obama's a 'Marxist-Leninist' who rules with 'iron fist'

Rep. Paul Broun (official portrait) Hmm. Karl Rove's efforts to have slightly fewer crackpots in his party do not yet seem to be having any effect. Current crackpot Georgia Rep. Paul Broun has decided to run for Senate, in fact, under the ardent belief that being a crackpot is a much-sought political skill. His latest fundraising letter is a piece of work:
You see, President Obama and Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid control the Senate with an iron fist.

[T]hey have repeatedly used it to ram their agenda down the throats of the American people, running roughshod over the Constitution and your freedoms. [']

I was the first Member of Congress to call him a socialist who embraces Marxist-Leninist policies like government control of health care and redistribution of wealth. [']

Just about every week, my friends and closest allies congratulate me and genuinely thank me for telling the truth of just how messed up this country has become under President Obama.

In addition to his observation that government is positively riddled with Marxist-Leninist policies, he also boasts of his close ties to the now-booted Allen West and the self-booted Jim DeMint. I think most objectionable, however, is his inability to craft any paragraph longer than one sentence. It's like a very angry children's book. It's like crackpot haiku. Damn it, Georgia, teach your legislators how to write'even crazy voters deserve better than this.

Oh, and you may know Broun from previous hits like opining that Obama may be on the verge of forming a dictatorship and from this classic gem:

"All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell."
Now that's Republicanism. So you can see why he wants to be a senator.

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