Thursday, February 14, 2013

Open thread for night owls: The NRA's Wayne LaPierre, unhinged and unchained

Owl banner The NRA's Wayne LaPierre is entirely freaking nuts. In a conspiracy theory-riddled message, LaPierre offers up the newest NRA rationale for why a constant stream of actual gun violence, shootings between family members, shootings between strangers, shootings in movie theaters, in front of supermarkets, in colleges and in children's schools is nothing to worry about. It's because someday, and real soon now, all of government might collapse, and when that happens all the true patriots are going to have to start shooting people.
Latin American drug gangs have invaded every city of significant size in the United States. Phoenix is already one of the kidnapping capitals of the world, and though the states on the U.S./Mexico border may be the first places in the nation to suffer from cartel violence, by no means are they the last. [']

When the next terrorist attack comes, the Obama administration won't accept responsibility. Instead, it will do what it does every time: blame a scapegoat and count on Obama's 'mainstream' media enablers to go along.

A heinous act of mass murder'either by terrorists or by some psychotic who should have been locked up long ago'will be the pretext to unleash a tsunami of gun control. [']

After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.

Anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg had already done everything he could to prevent law-abiding New Yorkers from owning guns, and he has made sure that no ordinary citizen will ever be allowed to carry a gun. He even refused to allow the National Guard into the city to restore civil order because Guardsmen carry guns!

Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony 'stimulus' spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won't be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.

When the next hurricane comes and knocks out your electricity, you need to be able to shoot your neighbors. When the government collapses because something-something "stimulus" and American towns don't have police departments anymore, you need to be able to shoot even more people. And when the Latin American gun cartels turn your neighborhood into a lawless, terrifying hellscape like Phoenix, Arizona, you're going to need to start shooting pretty much everyone. So start planning now.

Mind you, this is the guy whose job it is to defend supposedly sensible gun owners and gun ownership. The most prominent guy, no less. This guy, who sounds like at least three of Glenn Beck's worst fever dreams crawled up his butt and died there.

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