Thursday, January 3, 2013

The 112th Congress: A farewell list

U.S. Capitol Building at night Per the 20th Amendment, the terms of the members of the 112th Congress expire at noon on Thursday, ready or not. As I did two years ago, it's worth taking a moment to say farewell, thank you, and in some cases good riddance to those members of Congress who now depart the institution.  Via Roll Call:
Defeated in General Election - (27 House: 10D, 17R; 1 Senate: 1R)
Joe Baca, D-Calif., 65, 6 terms
Roscoe G. Bartlett, R-Md., 86, 10 terms
Charles Bass, R-N.H., 60, 1 term
Howard L. Berman, D-Calif., 71, 15 terms
Judy Biggert, R-Ill., 75, 7 terms
Brian P. Bilbray, R-Calif., 61, 3 terms
Mary Bono Mack, R-Calif., 51, 7 terms
Leonard L. Boswell, D-Iowa, 78, 8 terms
Ann Marie Buerkle, R-N.Y., 61, 1 term
Francisco "Quico" Canseco, R-Texas, 63, 1 term
Ben Chandler, D-Ky., 53, 4 terms
Chip Cravaack, R-Minn., 52, 1 term
Mark Critz, D-Pa., 50, 1 term
Robert Dold, R-Ill., 43, 1 term
Frank Guinta, R-N.H., 42, 1 term
Nan Hayworth, R-N.Y., 53, 1 term
Kathy Hochul, D-N.Y., 54, 1 term
Larry Kissell, D-N.C., 61, 2 terms
Jeff Landry, R-La., 42, 1 term
Dan Lungren, R-Calif., 66, 4 terms
Laura Richardson, D-Calif., 50, 2 terms
David Rivera, R-Fla., 47, 1 term
Bobby Schilling, R-Ill., 48, 1 term
Pete Stark, D-Calif., 81, 20 terms
Betty Sutton, D-Ohio, 49, 3 terms
Joe Walsh, R-Ill., 51, 1 term
Allen B. West, R-Fla., 51, 1 term

Scott P. Brown, R-Mass., 53, 1 term

Defeated for Other Office - (6 House: 1D, 5R)
Todd Akin, R-Mo., 65, 6 terms
Rick Berg, R-N.D., 53, 1 term
Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., 61, 7 terms
Connie Mack, R-Fla., 45, 4 terms
Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., 57, 6 terms
Bob Turner, R-N.Y., 71, 1 term
Retiring - (25 House: 14D, 11R; 10 Senate: 6D, 1I, 3R)
Gary L. Ackerman, D-N.Y., 70, 14 terms
Steve Austria, R-Ohio, 54, 2 terms
Dan Boren, D-Okla., 39, 4 terms
Dan Burton, R-Ind., 74, 15 terms
Jerry F. Costello, D-Ill., 63, 12 terms
Norm Dicks, D-Wash., 72, 18 terms
David Dreier, R-Calif., 60, 16 terms
Barney Frank, D-Mass., 72, 16 terms
Elton Gallegly, R-Calif., 68, 13 terms
Charlie Gonzalez, D-Texas, 67, 7 terms
Wally Herger, R-Calif., 67, 13 terms
Maurice D. Hinchey, D-N.Y., 74, 10 terms
Timothy V. Johnson, R-Ill., 66, 6 terms
Dale E. Kildee, D-Mich., 83, 18 terms
Steven C. LaTourette, R-Ohio, 58, 9 terms
Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., 78, 17 terms
Brad Miller, D-N.C., 59, 5 terms
Sue Myrick, R-N.C., 71, 9 terms
John W. Olver, D-Mass., 76, 10 terms
Ron Paul, R-Texas, 77, 8 terms
Todd R. Platts, R-Pa., 50, 6 terms
Mike Ross, D-Ark., 51, 6 terms
Heath Shuler, D-N.C., 40, 3 terms
Edolphus Towns, D-N.Y., 78, 15 terms
Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., 75, 10 terms

Daniel K. Akaka, D-Hawaii, 88, 3 terms
Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., 69, 5 terms
Kent Conrad, D-N.D., 64, 4 terms
Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, 69, 3 terms
Herb Kohl, D-Wis., 77, 4 terms
Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., 70, 3 terms
Joseph I. Lieberman, I-Conn., 70, 4 terms
Ben Nelson, D-Neb., 71, 2 terms
Olympia J. Snowe, R-Maine, 65, 3 terms
Jim Webb, D-Va., 66, 1 term

Defeated in Primary - (13 House: 7D, 6R; 1 Senate: 1R)
Sandy Adams, R-Fla., 56, 1 term
Jason Altmire, D-Pa., 44, 3 terms
Russ Carnahan D-Mo., 54, 4 terms
Hansen Clarke, D-Mich., 55, 1 term
Tim Holden, D-Pa., 55, 10 terms
Dennis J. Kucinich, D-Ohio, 66, 8 terms
Donald Manzullo, R-Ill., 68, 10 terms
Ben Quayle, R-Ariz., 36, 1 term
Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas, 68, 8 terms
Steven R. Rothman, D-N.J., 60, 8 terms
Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio, 61, 3 terms
Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., 71, 12 terms
John Sullivan, R-Okla., 47, 5 terms

Richard G. Lugar, R-Ind., 80, 6 terms

In addition, several members have resigned before the end of their terms. Remember these names?
Resigned - (11 House: 8D, 3R; 1 Senate: 2R)
Dennis Cardoza, D-Calif., 53, 5 terms
Geoff Davis, R-Ky., 54, 4 terms
Bob Filner, D-Calif., 70, 10 terms
Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., 42, 3 terms
Jane Harman, D-Calif., 67, 6 terms
Jay Inslee, D-Wash., 61, 8 terms
Jesse L. Jackson Jr., D-Ill., 47, 8 terms
Christopher Lee, R-N.Y., 48, 2 terms
Thaddeus McCotter, R-Mich., 47, 5 terms
Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., 48, 7 terms
David Wu, D-Ore., 57, 7 terms

John Ensign, R-Nev., 54, 2 terms
Jim DeMint, R-S.C., 61, 2 terms

While several House members will be switching chambers on Thursday (Baldwin, Donnelly, Flake, Heinrich, Hirono, and C. Murphy), only one will be leaving for state office'Gov.-elect Mike Pence, Indiana.

Finally, Rep. Donald Payne and Sen. Daniel Inouye died before the end of this Congress.

As with many here, I've got a special place in my heart for North Carolina's Rep. Brad Miller, who elected not to engage Rep. David Price in a bruising primary when his district had been destroyed by Republican gerrymandering. No member of Congress has been a truer friend to the Netroots, on policy issues and just ... as a friend, coming to Netroots Nation year after year, and conferring with us is so many other ways. No one on the Hill understood housing and consumer banking issues better, and a Congress without Brad Miller will be a less interesting place. Here's hoping Brad, and the other departing members, continue to find ways to serve their communities, and the public at large.

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