Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Reid considers delaying filibuster reform vote

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) speaks to the media after a caucus meeting with Senate Democrats on Capitol Hill in Washington August 1, 2011. Stick to your tough talk, Senator. Reform the filibuster. Sen. Harry Reid might be planning to punt on filibuster reform, delaying action by not adjourning the Senate tomorrow, after new members are sworn in, but instead going into recess. In doing that, he would technically keep the first day of Senate business open, to do filibuster reform after the congressional recess that lasts until the week of Jan. 22. Why does he want this delay?
That will buy Reid time for further negotiations with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to see if they can reach a bipartisan agreement, aides said Wednesday.
That would be the same Mitch McConnell who screwed Reid over in fiscal cliff curb negotiations by refusing to work further with him and bypassing him. It's the same McConnell who, as I wrote earlier, has vowed to take the debt ceiling hostage again and again and again. It's also the same McConnell who agreed to a "gentlemen's agreement" on the filibuster back in 2011, and agreement that he happily ignored.

Does Reid remember what he said just eight short months ago?

'If there were ever a time when Tom Udall and Jeff Merkley were prophetic, it's tonight,' Reid said on the floor. 'These two young, fine senators said it was time to change the rules of the Senate, and we didn't. They were right. The rest of us were wrong'or most of us, anyway. What a shame.'
That hasn't changed. If anything, the last several months of Republican obstruction and McConnell's actions on the fiscal cliff reinforce that. Bipartisan agreements with McConnell are less than worthless; they're destructive.

If this reform is delayed two weeks, Reid should use the time to convince all of the members of his caucus to support real reform. He shouldn't be wasting his time on McConnell.

Tell Sen. Reid that real filibuster reform has to happen. Call him at 202-224-3542.

You can also email your Democratic senators and tell them to support real filibuster reform.

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