Saturday, January 19, 2013

Obama pulls out the stops in weekly address to urge curbs on gun violence

While we may not be able to prevent every senseless act of violence in this country, if there is even one thing we can do to reduce it ' if even one life can be saved ' we've got an obligation to try.

President Obama made a forceful and direct appeal this morning to listeners of his weekly address, pushing his proposed curbs on gun violence as a policy that will make "make a real and lasting difference also requires Congress to act ' and act soon."

The specific measures he touted this morning were:

  • Universal background checks for all gun purchases
  • A ban on military-style assault weapons ("These weapons have no place in our communities," he said)
  • A 10-round limit for magazines
  • More cops "back on the job and back on the street."

And while the president said he supported the Second Amendment right to bear arms, he wants to prevent "an irresponsible, law-breaking few from causing harm on a massive scale"'as most responsible gun owners would agree. There's more than one critic of this point of view, he said, and it's up to American citizens to push back:

Already, we're seeing pundits, politicians, and special-interest lobbyists calling any attempt at commonsense reform an all-out assault on liberty ' not because that's true, but because that's how they get higher ratings and make more money. And behind the scenes, they're doing everything they can to protect the status quo.

But this time, it can't be up to them. It's got to be up to you. If, like me, you want this time to be different, then I need your help to make it different. Ask your Member of Congress if they support universal background checks and renewing a ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. And if the answer is no, ask them why not. Ask them why an A-grade from the gun lobby is more important than keeping kids safe in a first grade classroom.

In closing, he pulled out the stops and cited a letter he received from an 8-year-old urging him to put a stop to the violence.

To read the transcript in full, check below the fold or visit the White House website.

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