Friday, January 25, 2013

Mitt Romney: 'I'm not going away'

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) (L) and U.S. Republican presidential candidate and former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney share a laugh before addressing the Republican National Committee State Chairman's National Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona Apri Sadly, Mitt Romney is not plotting a 2016 comeback, but today he told big money Republicans that he's not leaving politics:
'We lost, but I'm not going away,' Romney told the crowd, according to a person who attended the meeting. 'I will continue to help.'
If by "continue to help" he means he'll continue to raise boatloads of money for Republican operatives to piss away, more power to him. If we get really lucky, maybe he'll team up with Karl Rove. At the very least, we'll get treated to stuff like this:
Great lunch with Mitt & Ann Romney today - their remarks were wonderful
' @SenJohnMcCain via web Now there's someone who knows a thing or two about not going away. And not being president.

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